Appendix C - Questions to Avoid - Don’t Risk It!

Avoid questions that could be interpreted by any applicant to be an attempt to discover any of the following protected personal information.

Here are some sample questions to avoid:

What year did you graduate from high school/college?

Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime?

Are you renting or do you own a home?

What side of town or zipcode do you live in?

Do you have any disabilities?

Do you need any accommodations? (Note: Don't assume an applicant needs an accommodation. However, if one is requested, please work to fulfill any reasonable request.)

Are you married?

What kind of work does your husband/wife do?

Your resume/CV indicates you have a degree from a university in Germany. Are you German?

Are you a native-born American or a naturalized American citizen?

Do you have children? How old are they?

Do you have an arrangement for childcare while you are at work?

What race do you identify with?

What church do you attend? (Note: Sometimes candidates will provide information on their religion. However, we advise to not ask follow-up questions.)

Will you require any days off for religious holidays that the University does not observe?

What are your pronouns? (Note: We shouldn't prompt candidates to discuss pronouns or gender as part of the interview.)

Never ask applicants about their sexual orientation.

What type of discharge did you receive when you left the military?

What do you earn in your current job?

Are you expecting a salary bump if you are offered this position?

(Note: Asking about previous salary can perpetuate historical pay inequities between men and women, and therefore such questions are being banned in increasing numbers of states and cities. Confine your questions to salary expectations regarding the position for which the individual is interviewing.