The Staff Compensation Program is a compensation structure and career architecture that defines a hierarchy and framework of jobs within the institution. It is designed to maintain competitive and fair compensation across staff positions at the university.
Feb. 17, 2025 - Pay Increase Guidelines Published
To help University of Arizona colleges and divisions attract, retain and motivate a highly talented and committed workforce, please reference these institutional pay increase guidelines.
Contact your HR generalist team with questions.
Main Elements
Career Levels & Career Streams
Staff positions are categorized into three career streams based generally on degree of responsibility. Each stream contains a series of levels that defines career progression toward more job complexity, knowledge and responsibility.
Job Functions & Families
All staff positions are grouped into 26 broad job functions (e.g., Academic Administration). The job functions are subdivided into families (e.g., Academic Program Management).
University Staff Pay Structure
The pay structure consists of pay grades, which define a minimum midpoint and maximum pay.
Pay Increase Guidelines
Institutional pay practices include pay increase types and strategic pay reviews that may be appropriate for colleges and divisions to consider to attract, retain and motivate their workforce.