Working in a Public Higher Education Environment

The University of Arizona is a public and nonprofit higher education institution. Working as an employee in this sector can be very different from other industries. This page provides training and resources to help orient (or refresh) yourself on things that are helpful, and sometimes vital, for University employees to know.

Orientation and Education Options

Did You Know?

  • Documents created or used in the course and scope of your employment are the property of the Arizona Board of Regents and are subject to Arizona’s public record laws and guidelines. Most documents and communications created in the course of your work at the University will likely be considered public records.
  • Arizona law prohibits public employees from making any decisions where their personal interests could influence their judgment.

Shared Governance

To ensure input, guidance, and perspectives from important campus stakeholders, University leadership regularly engages with shared governance bodies. Review the various governance bodies below and see how you can participate.

Policies and Statutes