Supervisor/Departmental Responsibilities for FML


Use of approved FML is recorded on the employee’s time sheet (Find time codes on the Financial Services website). Absences may be provisionally recorded as FML while the certification procedures are ongoing. 

The supervisor or time approver should record and submit timesheets for employees on continuous leave. Employees on intermittent leave or reduced work schedules should complete their own timesheets. Please ensure that the employee’s time is reported accurately. 

All medical certifications and related FMLA leave documentation will be maintained as confidential medical records in separate files, apart from employee personnel files.

Ongoing Communication

Stay in touch with the employee. Ongoing communication will make the FML process run much more smoothly. 


Federal law prohibits a supervisor from taking any adverse action or otherwise discriminating against an employee or prospective employee who has taken FMLA leave.

A supervisor may not interfere with any rights provided by FMLA, including:

  • Refusing to authorize FMLA leave
  • Discouraging an employee from using FMLA leave
  • Changing the essential functions of the employee’s job to preclude the taking of FMLA leave
  • Reducing hours of work to avoid employee eligibility

A supervisor may not retaliate by discharging or discriminating against any person (whether or not an employee) because that person has:

  • Opposed or complained about any unlawful practice under the Act
  • Filed a charge or has instituted (or caused to be instituted) any proceeding under or related to the Act
  • Given, or is about to give, any information in connection with an inquiry or proceeding relating to a right under the Act
  • Testified, or is about to testify, in any inquiry or proceeding relating to a right under the Act
  • Used FMLA leave

A Supervisor May:

  • Contact an employee on leave to ask a work-related question if it’s to get information, not to complete work. The communication should be brief and infrequent. Contact HR team for help and more information. 
  • Tell other employees that the employee is on leave and an anticipated return date.

Do you need more assistance? 

Connect with Leaves Administration
Phone: 520-621-3360