Short-Term Disability Insurance Comparison

Short-term disability pays if you are unable to perform your job due to non-work-related accident or illness. The insurance cost is an after-tax deduction on your paycheck, while benefit payments are tax-free.






Monthly cost $0.77 per $100 of salary Monthly cost $0.316 per $100 of salary
Maximum payment duration 26 weeks Maximum payment duration 26 weeks from date of disability. If there is a waiting period, maximum duration could be 18 or 22 weeks.
Pays weekly benefit of lesser of
  • 70% of base weekly earnings
  • $750 (Option A max. salary $55,714)
  • $1,500 (Option B max. salary $111,430)
  • $2,000 (Option C max. salary $148,571)
Pays weekly benefit of lesser of
  • 66.67% of base pay
  • $897.43
Minimum benefit payment of $67.31
Use with leave accrual balances Benefits are not offset by any other payments such as sick or vacation leave. You can collect full disability benefits and vacation or sick pay at the same time. Use with leave accrual balances Benefit payments are offset by sick leave or vacation leave payments. You cannot collect full disability benefits and vacation or sick pay at the same time.
Benefits begin on
  • First day if hospitalized for at least 24 hours.
  • First day for outpatient surgery.
  • 31st day if not admitted to hospital.
Benefits begin on
  • First day if disability is due to an accident.
  • 31st day if disability is due to illness or pregnancy.
If you elect coverage after your initial new hire/eligibility enrollment period and become disabled during the first 12 months of being covered under the plan, your benefits will start on the 61st day of disability due to illness or pregnancy.
Pre-existing condition exclusion Pre-existing condition exclusion for first six months after initial election or after option level increase. Pre-existing condition exclusion No pre-existing condition exclusion.
Benefits for pregnancy
  • 6 weeks paid for normal birth, 8 weeks for C-section.
  • Pregnancy is not a pre-existing condition. Pregnancy complication is a pre-existing condition.
Benefits for pregnancy
  • Benefits for a normal birth pay from the 31st day through 42nd day after birth; benefits are payable through the 56th day for a C-section.
Periods of disability Periods of disability due to the same cause count as one period unless separated by six months or more of full-time active work. Periods of disability Periods of disability due to the same cause count as one period unless separated by 60 days or more.
Other notes
  • Includes $5,000 life insurance policy and $30,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment policy
  • Rehabilitation/return-to-work assistance
Other notes
  • Partial benefits if earning less than 80% of usual salary.
  • Rehabilitation incentive (10% higher benefits for participating)
  • Child-care reimbursement
  • Moving expense reimbursement if move required as part of rehabilitation program