Compensation Definitions for Faculty and Appointed Professionals

Institutional Base Salary (IBS)


The total annual cash compensation paid by the institution for an employee’s appointment for time spent performing teaching, research, service and administrative activities. The IBS consists of the regular assignment, additional jobs/titles and related components of pay. The IBS is used to determine an employee’s Annual Base Benefits Rate (ABBR) for life and short-term disability insurance amounts, and is also used to calculate an employee’s Supplemental Compensation Max Earnings.

Components of Institutional Base Salary

Components of Pay in UAccess, based on 1.0 FTE, may include

  •  Regular fiscal or academic base salary
  • Fiscal Salary Conversion amount
  • Administrative Stipend (under Conditions of Administrative Service, UHAP Chapter 5)
  • Other Stipend, which includes interim and acting assignments
  • Provost-Approved Annual Performance Based Component

Deans, directors, and department heads are responsible for determining annually the duties and activities that constitute a full workload. Faculty members are required to teach, conduct research and scholarly activities, and perform service and administrative duties as set forth in their appointment. The IBS is the base salary for performing a full workload.   

Supplemental Compensation


To ensure compliance with federal and sponsor guidelines, certain services rendered related to a grant or contract, as well as specific instructional activities, must be identified as supplemental compensation and be subject to established limits. Duties or services assumed to be an employee’s obligation to the university are generally not allowable for additional compensation. Exceptions to the criteria below must be approved by the president or president’s designee.

Foreign Nationals:  Immigration status may affect supplemental compensation eligibility.  Direct visa-related questions and requests to the International Faculty & Scholars Office at 520-626-6289.

Academic Appointment Criteria

  • May not exceed one-third (3/9) of the academic-year salary
  • May occur only outside the appointment period for faculty
  • Employees hired under the Conditions of Administrative Service may not receive supplemental compensation in any amount from the university without the prior approval of the president or president's designee.

Fiscal Appointment Criteria

  • Supplemental compensation may not exceed one-twelfth (1/12) of the fiscal-year salary
  • Appointed Personnel may not earn supplemental compensation on grant or contract funds
  • Employees hired under the Conditions of Administrative Service may not receive supplemental compensation in any amount from the university without the prior approval of the president or president’s designee


  • Summer assignments paid an hourly rate; positive reporting required (any source of funding)
  • Intra-university consulting (hourly)
  • Paid on sponsored grant, specifically approved by the sponsor and is outside discipline and crosses department lines. Examples include foreign language translation services or computer services (developing a specific algorithm to support a project)
  • Summer/Winter Session (biweekly)

Other Professional Service Compensation (OPS)


Other Professional Services consist of fixed-fee assignments for services that are not directly tied to hours, are not covered by the institutional base salary (IBS), and do not count toward an employee’s maximum Supplemental Compensation Authorized Earnings. Work is performed outside the employee’s regular assignment and compensation is not paid on sponsored accounts.

Foreign Nationals:  Immigration status may affect Other Professional Services compensation eligibility.  Direct visa-related questions and requests to the International Faculty & Scholars Office at 520-626-6289.

OPS may not be used for:

  • Compensation paid on sponsored accounts
  • Non-exempt employees
  • Limited Term Adjuncts
  • Employees with Combined or Total FTE of <.50
  • Assignments greater than a semester

Allowable Payment Examples

  • U of A Online courses
  • Distance courses
  • Credit courses
    • Evening/Executive MBA
  • Noncredit courses
    • CESL; executive education
  • Incidental work
    • Assignment outside job/home department
    • Singular in nature—short period of time (generally one pay period)
    • Minimal payment—generally under $1,000
    • Example: Manuscript review for University of Arizona Press
  • Project-specific work for a limited duration (non-sponsored)
    • Similar to Incidental work but longer in duration