Guidelines for Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs)
The university is generously supported by Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs), which include affiliates, associates, volunteers, and interns who contribute their time, services, and expertise to help the university accomplish its missions of teaching, research, and service.
Departments are responsible for maintaining DCCs within UAccess Manager Self-Service and completing applicable agreements and forms.
Please use this Designated Campus Colleague worksheet to prepare data about the individual and related DCC activities or functions to be performed.
DCCs may be eligible for university privileges by virtue of their relationship with the university. Workforce Systems maintains a chart outlining this information and resources for processing DCCs in UAccess.
- Workforce Systems DCC Quick Reference Matrix and DCC Self-Service Guides
Note: Any DCC who is not a citizen or permanent resident of the United States will provide a copy of visa documents showing an immigration status that is appropriate for the DCC type and duties/activities of the DCC assignment. The sponsoring department will submit copies to Workforce Systems. The International Faculty & Scholars (IFS) unit within the U of A Global offers support to departments regarding immigration regulations.
Affiliates are select individuals who directly contribute service to the academic or research mission of the university and work at agencies, institutions, hospitals, or clinics which the Office of the Provost has afforded contractual affiliate status.
Affiliate Partners are individuals belonging to an approved affiliate institution who directly contribute service to the academic or research mission of the university and have a defined leadership role codified in a contract. Such roles may include supervising university employees, leading blocks, or conducting research on the university’s behalf.
Related Links & Documents:
University Associates are individuals such as faculty, researchers, visiting scholars, and others who are unpaid and regularly engaged in activities that directly support the university’s teaching and research mission and have a defined leadership role codified in a contract that includes supervising university employees, leading blocks, or conducting research on the university’s behalf. Associate Partners are distinguished from Affiliate Partners by the fact that Associate Partners do not have assignments covered by an agreement affording contractual affiliate status to their organization by the Office of the Provost.
Related Links & Documents:
Volunteers are unpaid and support the university’s mission serving in roles that include 4-H workers, master gardeners, event volunteers, or authorized supervisors of minors. Volunteers are eligible for a NetID and university email account and to use these to access university systems, services, and specialized university training. They may perform security- or safety-sensitive or export control duties, and interact with non-enrolled minors.
Intermittent/Occasional Volunteers (IOVs) are unpaid and support special events, cultural activities, and other university sponsored activities, or serve as docents. IOVs do not require access to university systems or services, will not perform security- or safety-sensitive or export control duties, and do not have assignments that involve interacting with non-enrolled minors or require specialized university training.
- Intermittent/Occasional Volunteer (IOV) Worksheet
- Intermittent/Occasional Volunteer Agreement. This agreement is specific to IOVs. (Note, this document contains Word macros. Make sure macros are enabled when you open it.)
Departments will attach a copy of the completed IOV Worksheet and IOV Agreement when requesting a IOV DCC relationship in UAccess Manager Self-Service.
Interns are postsecondary or high school students who are participating in an unpaid, structured learning experience in a work setting at the university in order to enhance their understanding of their career field of choice. Internships are short-term (generally one summer or one semester). They are distinguished from a Volunteer or Associate relationship by the fact that internships have learning objectives and the primary benefit is for the student intern.
When requesting a DCC relationship in UAccess, a department may select from the following two Intern types:
- Intern-Department - Interns who (a) do not need access to university systems or services, (b) will not perform security- or safety-sensitive or export control duties, and (c) do not have assignments that involve interacting with non-enrolled minors or require specialized university training.
- Intern-university - Interns who are eligible to have a NetID and university email account and to use these to access university systems, services, and specialized university training. They may perform security- or safety-sensitive or export control duties and interact with non-enrolled minors.
Departments will attach a copy of the Intern’s learning objectives when requesting a DCC relationship in UAccess Employee/Manager Self-Service. Student Engagement & Career Development guides hosting internships and preparing the learning objectives on an Internship Work Plan (fillable) or Internship Work Plan (customizable) in collaboration with the intern. Additional resources on creating internship programs and associated FAQs are available on the Office of the Registrar's website under 'Academic Program Forms.'
Important Note: If a supervisor or department representative is asked to sign an agreement or contract with the intern’s educational institution, please get in touch with the university’s Contracting Office regarding entering into such an agreement and obtaining signature authority.