Military Training Leave

Military Leave is a leave with pay for active duty or active duty training for a period not to exceed 30 working days in any 2 consecutive calendar years.


  • Employees are members of military reserve units or the National Guard; and,
  • Have active duty orders.
  • This leave has no impact on the employee's benefits.


Frequently Asked Questions

Military pay calculations are based on a calendar year, January to December.

"MLE" or "MLP" is the payroll earning code to use during the allotted 30 days of military pay.

Yes. After the 30 days allotted time for military pay has been exhausted, you may then elect to use your vacation time.

If the 30 days of paid time is used in one year, then you will not be eligible to receive military pay the following year.

Yes, your loss of childcare is a qualifying exigency arising from the fact that your spouse is on active duty (or has been notified of an impending call to duty). FML may also be used for qualifying exigencies arising from your child or parent serving in the military.


Do you need more assistance? 

Connect with Leaves Administration
Phone: 520-621-3660