Supplemental Compensation

Appointed Professionals

To ensure compliance with federal and sponsor guidelines, certain services rendered related to a grant or contract, and specific instructional activities, must be identified as supplemental compensation and are subject to established limits. Duties or services assumed to be an employee’s obligation to the university are generally not allowable for additional compensation. Exceptions to the criteria below must be approved by the president or president's designee.

Foreign Nationals:  Immigration status  may affect supplemental compensation eligibility.  Direct visa-related questions and requests to the International Faculty and Scholars Office at or 520-626-6289.

Academic Appointment Criteria

  • May not exceed one-third (3/9) of the academic year salary
  • May only occur outside the appointment period
  • Employees hired under the Conditions of Administrative Service may not receive supplemental compensation in any amount from the university without the prior approval of the president or president's designee
  • Hourly pay rate formula
    • During semesters:  academic salary / 1600 hours
    • Summer/Winter:  academic salary * 0.000731

Fiscal Appointment Criteria

  • May not exceed one-twelfth (1/12) of the fiscal year salary
  • Appointed Personnel may not earn supplemental compensation on grant or contract funds with the exception of budgeted interdepartmental consulting
  • Employees hired under the Conditions of Administrative Service may not receive supplemental compensation in any amount from the university without the prior approval of the president or president's designee
  • Hourly pay rate formula:
    • annualized salary / 2088 (for FY 2022/2023)
    • annualized salary / 2080 (for FY 2023/2024)
    • annualized salary / 2088 (for FY 2024/2025)

Note:  Faculty salaries paid on federal awards must be in compliance with federal regulations.  OMB Uniform Guidance (2CFR 200) does not normally allow supplemental compensation during the academic or fiscal appointment period.  Exceptions must be specifically provided for in the agreement or approved in writing by the sponsoring agency.  Please contact Sponsored Projects & Contracting Services at for questions regarding payments on federal awards.

For additional information, please refer to the University Handbook for Appointed Personnel policy

University Staff

Please connect with your HR Generalist Team for guidance.

Classified Staff

Please refer to the Classified Staff Manual policy

Graduate Assistants/Associates

Please refer to the Graduate Assistant/Associate Manual policy

Supplemental Compensation Resources

Supplemental Compensation Schedules

Do you need more assistance? 

Workforce Systems
Phone: 520-621-3664