University Staff Reduction in Force/Layoff Guidelines

Reduction in Force (RIF)/Layoff is an involuntary termination by a supervisor as a result of the elimination or reduction of funding or work, reorganization or other changing business needs resulting in the elimination of the position.

Employees in the University Staff classification are employed at-will and have no expectation of continued employment. However, if the employment relationship must conclude due to a RIF/layoff, as defined above, the following guidelines apply:

Required Planning and Determining Affected Employees

When considering RIFs/layoffs affecting University Staff, supervisors and/or leadership must work with their Senior HR Partner to review the circumstances, identify the job classification within the department specified for the RIF/layoff, and determine which employees will be affected.

Human Resources will also guide necessary documentation and ensure the unit conducts an objective assessment of the roles necessary to meet their department or work unit needs. Units must consider which University Staff members are best positioned to meet the requirements of the remaining positions. Consideration must be based on objective, job-related standards that may include knowledge, skills, abilities, and work performance. If differences cannot be demonstrated, RIF/layoff decisions will be based on duration of continuous University employment.

Notification Requirements

The supervisor should provide the affected University Staff employees with at least 30* calendar days’ written notice whenever feasible.

After Human Resources has reviewed all documentation and confirmed that necessary procedures have been followed, Senior HR Partners will guide supervisors through the notification process.

*Attention: In the case of separations resulting from FY 2025 University budget reductions, whenever possible, University Staff employees will be provided a minimum notice period of 60 days to support their transitions. Learn more: Financial Updates.

Post Reduction in Force/Layoff Privileges

University Staff members whose performance is at least satisfactory are provided the following privileges for up to twelve (12) months following their termination effective date.

  • Educational Benefits (Qualified Tuition Reduction and Educational Assistance Program): If employed at least five (5) consecutive years, the former employee, spouse, and dependent children are eligible for up to 12 months following the termination effective date. (Learn more about the Qualified Tuition Reduction Policy). Please contact HR Solutions (520-621-3660 or to use.
  • Apply for Internal-Only Postings: Affected employees may apply for University employment openings as an internal candidate. Visit, set the dropdown menu in the upper right corner to “I am a current U of A employee,” and log in with your NetID to view internal-only positions. If you obtain an internal benefits-eligible position before your separation date, you can transfer immediately.

Temporary University employment (ineligible for full benefits) may be accepted without jeopardizing these privileges.

The Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer may modify or revoke these privileges at any time.

Insurance Coverage and Retirement

Visit the How Job Change Or Separation Affects Your Benefits page for full information.

Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), an affected employee may continue any or all existing group medical, dental, and vision insurance coverage and healthcare flexible spending account elections after separation. Life insurance conversion options are also available.

If considering retirement, affected employees can visit the Retiring from the UA page and contact their Retirement Advisor for an individual consultation regarding their retirement rights and benefits.

Questions Related to RIF/Layoff Guidelines

A University Staff employee who has questions about these guidelines or the University Staff Separation From Employment Policy, or who believes they were separated from employment in violation of University or public policy, should contact Human Resources at

If disputing a separation, please review the Disputes Related to Separation From Employment Guidelines.