The University is increasing its minimum wage in FY 2024

Jan. 27, 2023

In November 2021, Tucson voters approved Proposition 206 (Tucson Minimum Wage Act), which gradually increases the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour by 2025. Although the final increase is not mandated until 2025, the University has decided to adopt a new hourly minimum wage of $15.00 for staff and $14.50 for student workers effective of July 1, 2023.

We encourage all departments and units to consider how the new minimum wage and related University pay structure changes will affect their budgets. Departments and units are responsible for funding the minimum wage increases and related changes.

Who is affected?

  • All staff who are paid less than $15.00 per hour.
  • All student workers who are paid less than $14.50 per hour.
  • All staff who will be below the minimum of their pay grades in the FY 2024 University Staff pay structure.

Note: Graduate assistants/associates who receive supplemental compensation in the summer months must receive at least $14.50 per hour.

When will the changes take effect?

For fiscal-year employees, 9 pay 12 employees, and student workers

  • July 1: Pay adjustments take effect.
  • July 14: New wage amounts reflected in paychecks.

For academic-year employees

  • Aug. 14: Pay adjustments take effect.
  • Aug. 25 New wage amounts reflected in paychecks.

What if we have an open job posting on Talent with a minimum rate of less than $15.00 per hour?

The HR Recruitment & Outreach Team will update open staff postings to reflect the new minimum wage of $15.00.

What do business managers have to do?

Business managers need to ensure that all affected employees receive the necessary pay adjustments, and that changes are reflected in budget planning.

  • Determine affected individuals: “HR Medium” provisioning access in UAccess Analytics is needed.
    • Employees affected by the minimum wage increase are listed in the Arizona State Minimum Wage report in UAccess Analytics. Please note that any staff member or student worker with a future-dated increase that has not yet been processed may appear on this report.
    • Employees affected by the bring-to-minimum increase are listed in the University Staff Pay Structure | Future report in UAccess Analytics.
  • Adjust current staff wages*: Beginning in April, you will be able to use the MSS Salary Increase Event form for FY 2024 to submit in a single transaction all change requests for your unit or department that are effective July 1. These requests include the minimum wage, bring-to-minimum, and FY 2024 Salary Increase Program increases.
  • Check future new hires: Please ensure that new hires with an effective hire date of July 1 or later receive at least $15.00 per hour (staff) or $14.50 (students).

*For current student workers and GA supplemental compensation, HR Workforce Systems will complete necessary pay adjustments in UAccess Employee.

Remember, to minimize wage compression issues, the University adjusts its University Staff pay structure whenever the minimum wage increases.

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