Monthly Meeting Recordings

Supervisors monthly meeting recordings

Hosted specifically for supervisors, the monthly University Supervisors Meetings are designed to increase communication and dialogue, and provide resources, to support you in managing your teams. Agendas and meeting links are emailed to supervisors monthly. Recordings are posted here within a few business days following each meeting. Review all meeting recordings on our YouTube playlist.


Recordings currently end in December 2023. We are experimenting with the format for the University Supervisors Meeting, including use of recordings, Q&A, and chat. Our intent is to create more opportunities for helpful discussion and a safe space for supervisors to participate.

December Supervisor Meeting Screenshot

Dec. 14 Monthly Supervisors Meeting

Hosted on Dec. 14, 2023

In this meeting, we discussed the University's financial action plan and what we know so far. We reflected on the past year of learning together. Then, we shared our reflections on our leadership roles, how we've seen the University's mission carried out, what made us hopeful in 2023, kudos for our teams, and finally, what we hope to bring forward in the new year. 

November Supervisors Meeting Screenshot

Nov. 16 Monthly Supervisors Meeting

Hosted on Nov. 16, 2023

In this meeting, we continued the conversation on creating an inclusive workplace and learned how the Disability Resource Center can help with that goal. We were also joined by Life & Work Connections to learn about the PUMP Act and how we can ensure protection for pregnant and nursing employees, and the updates to the Back-Up Care program

October Supervisor's Meeting Screenshot

Oct. 19 Monthly Supervisors Meeting

Hosted on Oct. 19, 2023

This month, we were joined by representatives from the Disability Resource Center who talked with us about changes we can make to our hiring practices to make the process more inclusive. HR's Compensation team also joined us for an update on upcoming FLSA changes. 

Screenshot of the FERPA Overview HR Supervisor Meeting

Sept. 21 Monthly Supervisors Meeting

Hosted on Sept. 21, 2023

In this meeting, we learned about safety updates related to the Threat Assessment and Management team. We heard about the University of Arizona Police Department's updated processes and current focus as well as information on the active shooter training. We also learned more about FERPA policies and the responsibilities of faculty and staff.

Screenshot of Key Elements to Managing Performance

Aug. 17 Monthly Supervisors Meeting

Hosted on Aug. 17, 2023

In this meeting, we continued the conversation on performance management with a focus on how to keep a coaching mindset when facing a scenario where corrective action is needed. Then, the EDGE Learning team shared updates on LinkedIn Learning courses that can assist in having tough conversations. 

Additional Resources & Recordings

Resources related to this recording

Resources related to this recording

Resources related to this recording



Resources related to this recording