Employment Verification
Please submit Employment Verification requests using the form below. For questions on Employment Verification requests, or to request by email, please contact Employee Records.
For Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Request a certified PSLF form to verify your employment with the University of Arizona. We generate and complete the form for you from start to finish. When done, upload this manually signed form to the PSLF Servicer's website.
For Payroll Verification
Requests for detailed payroll information or income verification must be uploaded to the Accounts Payable Document Upload form below.
Be sure to specify "For VOE" in the upload description.
For questions regarding payroll information, please contact AP Customer Service.
Accessing Employee Files
Arizona Board of Regents Policy 6-912 limits access to personnel records to:
- The individual employee and others authorized by the employee in writing
- Certain officers of the university
- In response to a lawfully issued request such as a subpoena or judicial summons. All subpoenas must be served directly to the Office of the General Counsel.
Contact Employee Records at records@arizona.edu to request your personnel file. Photo identification is required before files may be released.
Frequently Asked Questions
An Employee Personnel File may contain:
- Original Resume, CV, or U of A application
- Offer letters
- Hiring forms
- Signed Notice of Appointment and Reappointment
- Personnel Action Forms
- Performance Reviews
- Supplemental Compensation forms
- Written Warnings
A Departmental "Working" File may contain:
- Duplicate copies of Personnel file contents (prior to UAccess Employee centralization)
- Duplicate copies of Training certificates
- Employee recognition and other acknowledgements
The departmental file is retained for all employees until 6 months after they terminate or transfer to another department.
The retention document for departmental file is located on page 6 under Record Series Number "20705" with the title of "Employee Personnel Records, Supervisors' and Other Non-Official Copies."