HR Modernization Progress Tracking

The modernization of Human Resources will take place over several months and involve multiple projects to get us to our goal of a holistic and strategic support model.

Modernized HR graphic showing 10 areas of support for colleges and divisions

This page shows an overview of progress across categories in the HR modernization 3-phase timeline:

  1. Phase 1: Realign (Jan. 29-March 4, 2024)
  2. Phase 2: Refine (March 4-June 30, 2024)
  3. Phase 3: Recalibrate (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025)

This page will be continuously updated as projects progress. Please connect with your HR generalist team for more information.


HR Modernization graphic circle showing holistic support for colleges and divisions

HR representatives integration

  • Integrated 100+ university HR representatives into the Division of Human Resources.
  • Documented and addressed equipment, location and scheduling needs, accommodations and requests.
  • Conducted initial internal training and onboarding.
HR modernization strategic guidance icon

HR teams created for colleges and divisions

  • Established model in which every college and division now has a dedicated HR team (comprised of HR subject matter experts, including generalists, recruiters, leave advisors, and more) to support them in fulfilling their goals.
  • Launched new contact-us tool for each college and division to easily locate their HR generalist team and connect with HR.

Learn more: How to contact your HR generalist team

HR modernization learning and talent development icon

UAGC integration into EDGE Learning

  • Established single learning management system and learning record for all university employees.
  • Improved efficiency and cost by reducing number of contracts and systems under management.
  • Simplified supervisor oversight of direct reports' training statuses as all progress is documented in a single system.

Learn more: EDGE Learning

HR modernization leaves icon

Leave management process

  • Created single, confidential webform for employees to submit leave of absence requests to a leave specialist.
  • Formed HR Leaves Administration team to manage leave of absence requests from beginning to end.
  • Launched process to work with supervisors to ensure they know start and end dates of employees' leaves, appropriate time reporting codes and transition procedures for return to work.

New Features Upcoming

  • Integrate leave intake through UAccess.
  • Create reports to assist units with leave time management and coverage planning.

Learn more: Leave of absences

In Progress

HR modernization strategic guidance icon

HR staffing alignment


  • Assessed college and division HR needs.
  • Assessed HR staff coverage ratios against industry best-practices.

In Process/Upcoming

  • Hire and onboard outstanding positions post hiring freeze.
HR Modernization graphic circle showing holistic support for colleges and divisions

Role and scope of HR

In Process/Upcoming

  • Conduct ongoing collaborative discussions to clarify HR responsibilities vs. college and division responsibilities.
  • Conduct ongoing collaborative discussions to assist transition of duties between staff members.

Coming soon: List of specific duties

HR modernization Compensation icon

Pay practices


  • Removed former Compensation Administration Guidelines from the HR website.
  • Launched pay increase guidelines, including brand new options for Critical Talent Retention and In-Grade Pay Review.

In Process/Upcoming

  • Conduct comprehensive review of the university's pay increase and offer processes.
  • Conduct comprehensive review of the Compensation Administration Guidelines, including merit pay, additional duties pay, incumbent review and promotions, new hires, equity, and more.

Learn more: Compensation program

HR Modernization graphic circle showing holistic support for colleges and divisions

HR tools, systems and operational efficiencies


  • Identified and reviewed the various information technology systems currently used and available across the university for administrative purposes, including HR operations.
  • Conducted initial conversations with colleges and divisions regarding their workflows and technology utilized.

In Process/Upcoming

  • Explore opportunities to increase efficiency through potential integrations available with our existing HR systems.
  • Explore new intake processes to increase efficiency.
  • Facilitate ongoing internal HR training and professional development.
HR modernization Talent Acquisition icon

Talent acquisition model

In Process/Upcoming

  • Create dedicated Talent (application tracking system) operations to create and manage all position postings, which will reduce duplicate review of talent acquisition transactions and expedite approval wait time for postings and offer letters.
  • Establish talent acquisition advisers to provide strategic guidance on recruitment strategy, applicant management, and use of the ATS.
  • Monitor and ensure compliance with federal and state employment laws (e.g., requirements as a federally contracted institution and other regulatory requirements).
  • Promote timely communication with applicants regarding applicant statuses and search progress.

Learn more: Recruitment resources

HR Modernization graphic circle showing holistic support for colleges and divisions

HR workflows


  • Completed initial discovery period regarding college, division, department and unit historical workflows and approvals.
  • Partnered on pilot of new PCN workflow with Office of Budget & Planning

In Process/Upcoming

  • Audit of HR-related approver roles within Manager Self-Service workflows.
  • Standardize HR-related approver roles within Manager Self-Service workflows.
  • Streamline approval workflows for new PCNs and other recruitment and compensation transactions in UAccess.
  • Establish and clarify communication channels to reach HR Generalist teams and engage HR subject matter experts.
HR modernization Human Resources Systems icon

Position Control Numbers (PCN) usage


  • Systematically evaluated and deactivated hundreds of vacant and unused PCNs to allow for more efficient budgeting, hiring and planning processes.

In Process/Upcoming

  • Integrate de-activation of PCNs into workflows to ensure continued efficacy of PCNs.
HR modernization learning and talent development icon

Learning and talent development

In Process/Upcoming

  • Review and grow institutional development programs for employees and supervisors.

Learn more: Professional development