Changes to FLSA Overtime Regulations May Affect Exemption Statuses

May 31, 2024

On April 23, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced planned updates to the Fair Labor Standards Act compensation threshold, which is one factor in determining whether a position can be exempt from overtime eligibility.

The DOL announcement outlines an initial two-step plan that will increase the minimum annual salary threshold on July 1, 2024, then again on Jan. 1, 2025.

Minimum Thresholds at Publication Date of this Memo

  • $684 weekly
  • $35,568 annually

July 1, 2024, Minimum Thresholds

  • $844 weekly
  • $43,888 annually

Jan. 1, 2025, Minimum Thresholds

  • $1,128 weekly
  • $58,656 annually

As a result of these upcoming changes, University employees who are currently in salaried positions and who earn below these thresholds may be reclassified from salaried to hourly employees. Impacted employees and their direct supervisors will be contacted directly by Human Resources to provide guidance.

Units with specific questions should contact their Senior HR Partner. To learn more about the FLSA and these changes, please review the following: