Employee Separations and Other Transitions Guidance for Supervisors

An employee may separate from their university position for many reasons, including resignation, reduction in force/layoff, termination, or nonrenewal of contract. As a manager/supervisor, you will have to provide guidance and resources to your employees, and ensure university policies are followed.

Please review the following resources and contact your HR generalist team for consultation.

Separations Resources

Reduction in Force/Layoff and Nonrenewal

When considering a reduction in force (RIF)/layoff or nonrenewal of an employee, you must contact your HR generalist team. Your HR team will help ensure that the process is managed correctly by learning about the background of the employee, discussing with you the reason, and providing guidance on the process and the necessary forms and documentation to proceed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact your HR generalist team for information, guidance, forms and answers to your questions.


Verbal notification may be given. However, a written notice is required. Contact your HR generalist team for guidance having these conversations.

For nonrenweals, the written notice must meet the notice obligation requirements set forth in the Chapter of Service.

As you consider the critical and operational needs of your unit, please allow flexibility in use of earned vacation time and be mindful that employees need time to conduct job searches.

Vacation Leave
Employees who accrue vacation hours will be paid any unused leave days up to the amount earned for one year of service. The amount earned in one year of service is prorated based on the FTE and appointment length (fiscal or academic).

Sick Leave
Sick leave is not paid out upon separation of service. Retiring employees may qualify for Retiree Accumulated Sick Leave (RASL).

Visit the How Job Change Or Separation Affects Your Benefits page for more information.

Employees who separate from the university will have the opportunity to continue their health benefits by paying both the employer and the employee portion of the benefit premium through COBRA. A COBRA health plan allows employees to continue their benefits for up to 18-36 months (depending on circumstances). Email HR Solutions to learn more.

Visit the How Job Change Or Separation Affects Your Benefits page for more information.

Employees will have several options regarding their Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) or their Optional Retirement Plan (ORP). These may include leaving the account intact, rolling it over to another retirement plan, requesting a refund of contributions, or, if eligible, to retire. Email HR Solutions to learn more.

Visit the How Job Change Or Separation Affects Your Benefits page for more information.


RIF/layoff is an involuntary termination as a result of the elimination or reduction of funding or work, reorganization or other changing business needs.

In accordance with the University Staff Reorganization or Reduction in Force Guidelines, the affected employee receives at least 30 calendar days written notice, if feasible. If funding reduction/loss is a factor, consideration of less than 30 days requires discussion with Human Resources.

Contact your HR generalist team to determine the appropriate notice obligations and obtain the appropriate template(s).

In accordance with the University Staff Reorganization or Reduction in Force Guidelines, supervisors must document that they have conducted an objective assessment of the roles necessary to meet their department or work unit needs. Consideration must be based on objective, job-related standards that may include knowledge, skills, abilities, and work performance. If differences cannot be demonstrated, reorganization or reduction in force decisions will be based on duration of continuous university employment.

Contact your HR generalist team for guidance.

Justifications include budget constraints, funding and/or objective assessment for reorganization.

University Staff and Classified Staff affected by a RIF/layoff may apply for university positions as an internal candidate for one year following their separation date.

Employees should visit talent.arizona.edu, set the dropdown menu (upper right corner) to “I am a current U of A employee” and log in with their NetID and password to view internal-only positions.

If selected for another position at the university by your separation date, the employee will transfer to that position with no record of a RIF/layoff.

An eligible University Staff or Classified Staff employee affected by RIF/layoff, along with the employee's spouse and dependent children, may be eligible to receive the QTR benefit, but not the DPTP benefit, for a period not to exceed 12 months from the effective date of the RIF/layoff.

To be eligible, the employee must have been employed at least five (5) consecutive years at the university immediately prior to the effective date and have satisfactory or better work performance. Eligibility continues through any semester or session that commences at least one day before the expiration of the 12-month period from the termination effective date.

The affected employee should contact HR Solutions (520-621-3660 or hrsolutions@arizona.edu) to use.


A nonrenewal is the conclusion of a contract for Appointed Personnel.

A written notice of nonrenewal will be issued based on the Chapter of Service. The most common notice obligation will be 90 days.

Contact your HR generalist team to determine the appropriate notice obligations and obtain the appropriate template(s).

Deadlines calendar: The Academic and Fiscal Year deadlines to give notice of nonrenewal are published on the Calendars page.

Yes. Appointed Personnel may have their current contract nonrenewed, with the appropriate written notification based on the Chapter of Service, and then have a new contract issued with a reduction in FTE.

Appointed Personnel affected by nonrenewal may apply for university positions as an internal candidate only until the contract end date.

If selected for a new position that starts prior to the end of the contract, it is considered a transfer. If an employee’s contract period has already ended and then they are hired into a new university position, it is considered a rehire.

Access all open positions at the university through talent.arizona.edu. Applications are only accepted online.

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